Hello! As I am journeying through this pregnancy, I thought my family (probably mostly my mom) may be interested in how things are progressing. Since we are so many miles away, a few blog posts may be the best way to show the growing bump. Like so many couples, we have suffered heartache on the path to starting a family, but I think Husband and I can both say that it has only served to strengthen our faith and glorify him with this precious growing life. We have learned so much about patience and faith in His timing. Oh, this is so very hard at times!
Photos taken by Mitzi Penick Photography. Thanks, Mitzi! |
The precious at 11 weeks! |
At my best friend's wedding in Dallas. Pregnant but didn't know it! |
10 weeks: Baby is the size of a prune (PS-the lady at Whole Foods refused to charge me for one single prune, and I then felt the need to explain why I was purchasing one prune....she made me promise to come back in her line every week when I bought my fruit so she could follow the growing baby. Gotta love Whole Foods!) |
11 weeks: Baby is a lime |
12 weeks: Baby is a plum |
13 weeks: Baby is a peach |
Starting to see the tiniest bump |
During my first trimester, I searched all my favorite blogs looking for tips. It's so ironic to me that one of the hardest times of pregnancy must be suffered alone because you cannot yet tell anyone! Therefore, I could not find a lot of info. I thought I would give a rundown of my experience.
Total weight gain: None. Think I lost some muscle and gained some in my belly.
Maternity clothes: I wish.
Stretch marks: No, and I cannot find the motivation to start using my products. I have purchased the Mustella and Belli Elasticity Oil. Will hopefully start them soon...
Also along these lines, I did have to alter my skincare regimen. I stopped using my Retin-A micro, Effaclar Duo, and salicylic acid face wash as soon as I got my positive pregnancy test. I then switched to using Purpose cleanser and Finacea, both morning and night. Finacea is category B, and stems from a naturally occurring derivative, so I felt safe using it. I have continued to use a physical sunscreen in the mornings (have been using EltaMD UV Clear). I also added in Belli facial scrub and Belli acne spot treatment. Both of these products are designed to be safe in pregnancy. All of these things really have done a remarkable job at keeping my acne-prone skin in check despite all the crazy hormones.
Symptoms: This gets a little more interesting. At 5 weeks 6 days, I was planning dinner and realized that
nothing sounded good. That was the start of the aversions. Basically, I could not eat anything I used to....especially vegetables. The mere thought of them made me sick and want to cry at the same time. This got progressively worse till around 11 weeks. There was one night when Husband was being a normal, healthy person and decided to roast some broccoli and sweet potatoes (two of my previously favorite foods), and I had to lock myself in the back bedroom and plug my nose. I sent him a text asking if he was trying to suffocate me. I was extremely sensitive to smells and beyond tired. It became normal for me to go to bed at 8:30 before having to get up at 5:45. Then all the sudden, around 11 weeks, everyday got a little better. Husband could eat in the same room with me, I could look in the fridge without gagging, and I was feeling better. Thank goodness! I was able to add veggies back in slowly and taper off the frozen meals. Success!
Sleep: In the very beginning, I was having early morning awakenings where I would wake up at 5:00AM and be unable to go back to sleep. This soon went away and overall, I slept well. Used my Snoogle throughout my first tri.
Exercise: Had to take a few weeks off in the very beginning because of a crazy busy schedule. I then would try to get in 2-3 Crossfit-ish workouts a week.
Crossfit Mom (www.crossfitmom.com) was a lifesaver at first. I was very nervous about the things I could and couldn't do, and this website was very reassuring. I followed these workouts at home or the gym until I felt comfortable telling my coaches and fellow Crossfitters at class around 13 weeks. First tri, I tried to keep my heartrate down as much as possible. Basically with any movement, it would sky rocket. I stopped doing situps and took the weights way down. I mostly just did the workouts with an empty olympic bar. I always tried to remind myself that this is a time to stay active and healthy. It is not a time to worry about PRs or making training gains. It took me a few months to be able to turn off my competitive nature. Now that it's off...working out is really fun again! Also, still wearing all my same workout gear. I think my Lulu tops and shorts will work well for quite awhile (they're so stretchy!)
Best moment: Hands down, it was seeing the flickering heartbeat at our 7 week ultrasound. What a glorious moment. Second best was hearing the heartbeat with the doppler around 9 weeks at home. (I have a doppler that I use constantly for reassurance).
Told friends and family: We told family really early and slowly told friends and extended family before announcing to the world a little after 13 weeks. That was a huge leap of faith for me. For some reason, I was so worried something would happen after we told everyone.
Miss anything: deli meat, sushi, and having an occasional glass of wine. I have cheated on the first two. I've eaten heated deli meat and had cooked sushi (cali roll and a shrimp tempura roll, and I just asked the chef to roll it separately from the raw stuff).
Movement: No, but I cannot wait!
Starting to show: just barely in clothes, but much more noticeable in workout gear.
Baby is a: ??girl?? We shall see...
Belly button: In
Rings: On
Happy/moody: Very happy, extremely thankful. Very anxious. Can cry pretty easily....usually at happy thoughts!
Looking forward to: Feeling movement. Anatomy scan.
I think that's mostly it for my first tri. I logged many hours on the couch and in bed, and am so eternally grateful for my supportive husband who kept our lives going. It's such a relief to make it through the first third of pregnancy, and I feel blessed that everything seems to be going very well.