Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sausage, sweet potato, and hidden spinach hash

Going paleo created somewhat of a breakfast problem for Husband and I. He used to eat cereal and I ate oatmeal every. single. day. We liked that we automatically knew what was for breakfast and it required no thought at all. For the last several months, we have been eating eggs in a variety of ways, but to be honest, our stomachs just cannot handle that. I have searched the internet high and low for good breakfasts, but I am still looking for the perfect alternative. This breakfast is tasty, but I recommend making it ahead of time unless you have 30-45 minutes to kill in the morning.  And if you do, then I am really, really jealous.

Sausage, Sweet Potato, and (hidden) Spinach Hash
Serves: 4-6, or 1 for breakfast all week
Prep time: 5 min
Cook time: 20 min

What you need:
1 lb pork sausage (see note below)
4 small sweet potatoes or 2 medium-large
2-4 cups spinach

What to do:
--Heat skillet over medium-high then toss in the sausage to start browning.
--While sausage is cooking, shred sweet potato (use food processor attachment or do it by hand if you want a great workout) and mince the spinach (I use the food processor and pulse several times).
--When sausage is about 3/4 the way done, add the shredded sweet potato.
--When the sausage is cooked through, add salt and pepper to taste and a TON of cinnamon to taste (I probably used 2 tbsp since cinnamon is my absolute favorite spice).
--When sweet potatoes are nice and soft, add the spinach and mix well.

Serve and enjoy!

Note on sausage: buy the best quality you can with the least sugar possible. I got mine for 4.99/lb at Whole Foods. It comes from animals which are humanely raised. Better yet, you can take quality ground pork or beef and make your own sausage! I am going to try one of these recipes (here and here) soon. If you are strict paleo or not wanting to add the sugar, then don't! I'm planning to omit and I'll let you know how it goes.

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