Meet Lauren

Hello!  I am a resident physician completing my training in dermatology.  I love my job, and also have a passion for a healthy lifestyle.  I love exercising, healthy cooking, and try to do it all in style.  I love the competitive nature of bargain shopping, but have learned to appreciate a good splurge.  I eat paleo-ish, crossfit, shop, plan, decorate, study (too much), read, and laugh...a lot.  I am married to my best friend, who provides me endless support.

This blog is my take on how to do it all!  Here is a little more detail about me:

Dermatology.  I graduated medical school in 2010, and am in my second of four years in training to become a board certified dermatologist.  During my daily clinics, I see mostly skin cancer followed by acne, eczema, and many much more rare, but fascinating, skin conditions.  I work with kids and adults, and am training in both dermatopathology (giving diagnoses by looking at tissue under the microscope) and dermatological surgery.

Paleo. Also known as the Hunter-Gatherer Diet.  My meals consistent mostly of whole, natural foods like meat, vegetables, fruit, healthy fats, and some nuts and seeds.  These foods are nutrient dense, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and support a healthy metabolism while reducing inflammation. I try to stay away from sugar, grains (including legumes such as peanuts), dairy, and processed foods.  As it turns out, fat is not the enemy (as we have been led to believe for years), but rather the enemy are grains that cause inflammation and induce a robust insulin response.  I eat this way because it makes me feel great, supplements my exercise, and reduces the risk of illness like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Want to learn more?  Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, and the Whole9 folks are great resources for more detailed information.

CrossFit.  High intensity, variable, functional movements.  Everyday is a unique, fast-paced, intense workouts which utilizes metabolic conditioning, olympic weightlifting, and gymnastics.  The workouts are brief, but killer.  CrossFit makes fitness fun again.  It is as competitive as you want it to be, and can fit into any lifestyle.  My favorite resources: CrossFit main site, YouTube (for looking up unfamiliar movements and motivational videos like this!, and CrossFit Omaha.


  1. HI,

    I am wondering if you could recommend an eye cream/treatment for pregnant women that doesn't contain ingredients such as retinol which could be harmful to the fetus?

    1. Great question. It is so important to think about the active ingredients in skin care products when pregnant. Often what we recommend is to stop treating skin conditions (including anti-aging regimens) during pregnancy just to be on the safe side. I would recommend using a thicker moisturizer such as CeraVe in the eye area and then to resume your regular eye cream afterwards. Many of the acids in eye creams have not been tested during pregnancy, so we just do not know if they are safe or not. We normally just err on the side of caution and do not recommend these types of products while pregnant.

    2. Thank you so much - your wisdom is GREATLY appreciated!
