Thursday, March 8, 2012

C2 2K

Somehow, I managed to make it out of bed this morning (even though the rain on the window was urging me to roll right back over and go back to sleep) and logged a first 2K row. My arms were jello afterwards! Just to show me up, Husband did THREE rounds of off!  It did make me feel a little better that he looked like this afterwards:

                    New-ish, cheap ($30!) shoes from the Nike Factory store.  Having little things to look forward to
                                         helps make getting up at 5:30 for a workout a little more manageable.

Here is my last week of CrossFit workouts. I will post my total workout time at the end to emphasize the best part of CrossFit workouts: they're short! These times include my warmup of around 10-20 min.
-Thursday: As many burpees as possible in 7 minutes. My goal was 70, but I made it through 88! This was the CrossFit Games Open 12.1. Afterwards, did some ab work and walked my family's dogs :) (Total workout time: 30 min)
-Friday: Ran 100M sprints x 10 and 200M sprints x 5. Walked the dogs (Total time: 1h)
-Saturday: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 65lb power clean, 5 reps; 10 toes to bar; 15 wall ball shots, 14lb ball. I did 7 rounds. Afterwards, did 3 rounds of: 15 sec L-sit; 50 situps. (Total time: 1h)
-Sunday: climbed Pinnacle Mountain (about 45 min round trip)
-Monday: "Moore." As many rounds in 20 minutes of: modified rope climb x 6; Run 400m; 15 handstand pushups. I did 5 rounds. I walked half a mile for a cool down. (Total time: 42 min)
-Tuesday: "Tabata Something Else." Tabata is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds break x 8 rounds. You can pick pretty much any exercise in the world and perform it with this timing pattern, but Tabata Something Else has 8 rounds of pull ups, push ups, situps, and squats. I could get in only 4-5 pullups, 10 pushups, 13-15 situps, and 15-16 squats per 20 seconds of work. (Total: 38 min)
-Wednesday: Rest day!
-Thursday: Row 2K (10:02). Ran agility drills and did broad jumps for max distance. (Total:48 min)

Hope everyone is having a great week!


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